深度神经网络在图像分类中Excel Excel,但它们对输入扰动的性能比人类感知更强。在这项工作中,我们可以通过在深卷积网络中纳入脑激发的经常性动态来探讨此缺点是否可以部分地解决。我们从神经科学的一个受欢迎的框架中获取灵感:“预测编码”。在分层模型的每层,生成反馈'预测'(即,重建)前一层中的活动模式。重建错误用于迭代地更新时间间隔内的网络的表示,并通过自然图像数据集来优化网络的反馈权重 - 一种无监督的培训形式。我们展示将此策略实施到两个流行的网络中,VGG16和高效网络,从而提高了对各种损坏和对抗的攻击的鲁棒性。我们假设其他前馈网络可以类似地受益于所提出的框架。为了在这种方向上促进研究,我们提供称为PRIGEIFY的基于开放的Pytorch的包,其可用于实施和研究预测编码动态在任何卷积神经网络中的影响。
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Learning to localize the sound source in videos without explicit annotations is a novel area of audio-visual research. Existing work in this area focuses on creating attention maps to capture the correlation between the two modalities to localize the source of the sound. In a video, oftentimes, the objects exhibiting movement are the ones generating the sound. In this work, we capture this characteristic by modeling the optical flow in a video as a prior to better aid in localizing the sound source. We further demonstrate that the addition of flow-based attention substantially improves visual sound source localization. Finally, we benchmark our method on standard sound source localization datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Soundnet Flickr and VGG Sound Source datasets. Code: https://github.com/denfed/heartheflow.
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Tuberculosis (TB), an infectious bacterial disease, is a significant cause of death, especially in low-income countries, with an estimated ten million new cases reported globally in $2020$. While TB is treatable, non-adherence to the medication regimen is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Thus, proactively identifying patients at risk of dropping off their medication regimen enables corrective measures to mitigate adverse outcomes. Using a proxy measure of extreme non-adherence and a dataset of nearly $700,000$ patients from four states in India, we formulate and solve the machine learning (ML) problem of early prediction of non-adherence based on a custom rank-based metric. We train ML models and evaluate against baselines, achieving a $\sim 100\%$ lift over rule-based baselines and $\sim 214\%$ over a random classifier, taking into account country-wide large-scale future deployment. We deal with various issues in the process, including data quality, high-cardinality categorical data, low target prevalence, distribution shift, variation across cohorts, algorithmic fairness, and the need for robustness and explainability. Our findings indicate that risk stratification of non-adherent patients is a viable, deployable-at-scale ML solution.
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近年来,人工智能(AI)的领域已经见证了巨大的增长,然而,持续发展的一些最紧迫的挑战是电子计算机架构所面临的基本带宽,能效和速度限制。利用用于执行神经网络推理操作的光子处理器越来越感兴趣,但是这些网络目前使用标准数字电子培训。这里,我们提出了由CMOS兼容的硅光子架构实现的神经网络的片上训练,以利用大规模平行,高效和快速数据操作的电位。我们的方案采用直接反馈对准训练算法,它使用错误反馈而不是错误反向化而培训神经网络,并且可以在每秒乘以数万亿乘以量的速度运行,同时每次MAC操作消耗小于一个微微约会。光子架构利用并行化矩阵 - 向量乘法利用微址谐振器阵列,用于沿着单个波导总线处理多通道模拟信号,以便原位计算每个神经网络层的梯度向量,这是在后向通过期间执行的最昂贵的操作。 。我们还通过片上MAC操作结果实验地示意使用MNIST数据集进行培训深度神经网络。我们的高效,超快速神经网络训练的新方法展示了光子学作为执行AI应用的有希望的平台。
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